The Underlying causes of Smartphone Addiction

The Underlying causes of Smartphone Addiction

For many people, cell phones have become an essential item, serving as a personal tool, a life assistant, and a way to entertain yourself. Many common mental situations can become underlying causes of smartphone addiction.

Connected gadgets like tablets are also becoming more common in homes and offices, even when laptops are present. According to research, users touch their phones 2,617 times a day, unlock their iPhones 80 times per day, and spend 5 hours per day online. 

This addiction to smartphones is known as no-mobile-phone-phobia or nomophobia. It is related to the illogical fear associated with losing your smartphone.

Many people are aware of the impact of smartphone addiction, but barely know how or why it happens. Read this article to learn about the underlying causes of smartphone addiction so you know how to control your desire to indulge in it.

Why Smartphone Addiction Happens


Identifying Smartphone Addiction

Experts advise that four or more of the following conditions must be met by a person in order for them to be affected by smartphone addiction:

  • Using a smartphone excessively while nervous or depressed
  • Wasting time by using it excessively
  • Getting critiques in a work or relationship
  • Ineffective measures to reduce usage
  • Signs of withdrawal
  • Feeling the need to use it more and more in order to get the usual result

How Smartphone Addiction Happens

Doctors compare cell phones to slot machines due to the shaky payoff system they create. The brain’s dopamine system is responsible for producing feelings of happiness, which are released every time we receive a message, notification, or alert on our phones.

This unstable pattern of rewards can make us constantly check our phones, creating a cycle of temptations that repeats itself several times a day. Whether it’s an SMS, email, Facebook “like,” or Snapchat, our brains are constantly seeking the next “reward.”

This behaviour can have negative effects on our mental health and also our productivity.

Why Smartphone Addiction Happens

Why Smartphone Addiction Happens

Smartphones and tablets have made way easier than ever to take part in many impulsive behaviours, thanks to how portable they are and their convenience. While laptops and desktops can create challenges to impulse control. Mobile devices have completely changed how fast it is to give in to our temptations at any time. In fact, many people never venture more than five feet from their iPhones.

Here are a few reasons why people find it hard to tear themselves away from their smartphones:


Using smartphones can trigger the release of dopamine in the brain which is the one of major underlying causes of smartphone addiction. it causes changes in moods similar to those caused by drugs and alcohol. Moreover, individuals can quickly develop a quick tolerance, which means they will require more screen time to achieve the same positive release.


If you find that you are spending too much time on your mobile device, you may be trying to distract yourself from certain mental issues. The daily creation of new social apps, games, and websites and the rapid advancement of technology also contributes to the growing concern about the impact of smartphones on social interactions.


 Today, people can communicate with each other without ever meeting in person or seeing eye to eye which may also cause feelings of isolation and loneliness. 

Lonely individuals are more likely to use the internet as a means of interacting socially. This changes the importance of talking about the issue of loneliness and avoidant behaviour in our digital world. While technology can provide convenience and efficient living, it is important to also value human connection and face-to-face interaction to maintain relationships and stop feelings of loneliness.


Shyness has been linked to bad internet use and smartphone addiction. The internet and smartphones provide a safe and secure environment for shy individuals to communicate with experiencing anyone physically. Interacting on social networking sites allows them to express themselves more honestly. It makes it an appealing method of communication. This can be a better option for shy people over personal contact.


Stress is a huge risk factor for mental health issues. When an individual goes through stress, it can upset the delicate balance between them and their surroundings. This can make it difficult for the person to adjust to happening events around them. It can result in negative emotions like worry and sadness. Negative emotions can significantly influence a person’s perception and behaviours. Negative emotions can also increase the risk of smartphone addiction. It is important to manage your stress levels to avoid potential mental health problems.

Other Causes of Smartphone Addiction

Excessive smartphone use has been linked to various issues in different contexts. Including family, academic, economic, and personal issues. 

People who frequently use their phones excessively tend to have more issues with their immediate families. They prefer to spend less time with them and use their phones instead. The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in schools may not actually improve students’ performance because they use them for activities unrelated to class. In an effort to maintain regular contact with others, people may spend a lot of money on expensive smartphones or models with newer and flashy functions. 

Heavy users may also experience distress, hopelessness, insecurity, and mental and physical issues, such as complete disregard for personal hygiene or body image. Therefore, excessive smartphone use puts people at risk of getting an addiction to the device.


Excessive smartphone use can have life-changing effects on individuals’ lives. There are many underlying causes of smartphone addiction, such as family, academic, economic, and personal issues.

People should be careful of their smartphone use and ensure that it does not interfere with their relationships, education, finances, and well-being.

While smartphones can provide benefits, it is crucial to use them responsibly and in moderation.

If you find yourself struggling with this, use Applatch, the mobile apps that locks your addictive apps for a desired time. Each lock session can only be paused or stopped by an accountability partner, making you truer to your goals of smartphone usage control.

Take control of your smartphone addiction today. for a much better tomorrow.


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