Self-Help Tips to help You overcome Smartphone Addiction

Self-Help Tips to help You overcome Smartphone Addiction

Our era is becoming more and more mobile and connected – it has become our window into the world’s accelerating pace.

Mobile phones have evolved from a tool primarily used to make calls and send text messages, to indispensable devices that have become our portable computers, banking and shopping assistant, personal physician, news source and much more.

“The expanding usefulness is undoubtedly connected to the increase and adoption of smartphones: pocket-sized mobile devices, some of which have the capabilities to outperform even some personal computers”, says Yudala, Nigeria’s pioneer in online and offline e-commerce.

There has been an increase in the use of cell phones for various jobs.

A separate study on smartphone usage revealed that over 90% of participants admitted to being phone addicts. They also admitted that going without their smartphones made them feel lost, disoriented, or cut off from the outside world.

Usage patterns show that customers from all classes and demographic groups are becoming increasingly addicted to their smartphones. It’s interesting to note that young people are not the only ones that experience this problem. Research shows that many members of the older generation also exhibit similar behaviours.

These simple tips will help you overcome smartphone addiction if you find yourself struggling with it:

Reserve a Rest Day or Week

Reserve a Rest Day or Week

This is the most typical strategy most people who have made conscious efforts to overcome their cell phone addiction have used today.

Set your phone aside one day every week, or if your phone is essential for work or study, lock the apps you’re most addicted to or distracted by, with Applatch.

Applatch is a mobile app that let helps you keep away from addictive apps by locking them for a desired period, only to be unlocked or paused mid-session by your chosen accountability partner.

Reset your usage by completing a 30-Day Experiment.

This has personally tested, proven and recommended by becoming minimalist to be the most effective strategy to kick their cell phone dependency. 

When not restricted, cell phone use tends to eat up an increasing amount of free time. You can use Applatch to track your smartphone usage, and then conduct a 30-day experiment to gradually minimize your screen time.

See it through, and you will be well on your way to overcoming smartphone addiction.

Keep your phone's charger away from your bed

Keep your phone’s charger away from your bed

Do you want to know a wonderful way to get yourself to put your phone away at bedtime? 

Don’t use your bedroom as a charging station

Many people (even those not addicted to their smartphones) keep their smartphones by their bedside, often reaching for the handy device first thing in the morning.

Better still, if you could keep your cell phone out of your bedroom or off while there, you can avoid many of the side effects of excessive use, such as bad sleep, hampered communication, and decreased intimacy.

Disable push notifications

At work, you are in the midst of a demanding schedule, and deadlines are approaching. 

Your phone suddenly buzzes! Your focus immediately shifts to the gadget to check who has messaged you on WhatsApp, left a remark on your most recent Facebook post, retweeted that tweet, or liked your Instagram photo. 

Many individuals get addicted to their devices because of the “instant notification” feature.

The good news is, you can stop the cycle by disabling push notifications for different smartphone apps, especially the addictive ones. 

You could be a little late for social media activities because of this. But overall, you will gradually acquire control over your propensity to check your gadget whenever it buzzes. 

You may choose to manually check other apps, like emails, once every hour or even turn on the notifications when you’re not at work so you don’t miss out on crucial contact.

Recognize the reasons why you're hooked

Come to terms with why you’re hooked on your smartphone

Are you always on your smartphone because you’re bored or lonely? 

For instance, if you suffer from depression, tension, or anxiety, your excessive smartphone use may be a coping mechanism. 

Dig deep and if this applies to you, find healthier ways to control your moods, like using relaxation techniques.

Recognize the differences between face-to-face and online interaction.

Humans are social animals – we are not designed to live in isolation or passively engage with one another. 

Face-to-face social interaction can help you feel calm, comfortable, and understood while also putting a swift stop to stress. 

You skip out on nonverbal clues when communicating by text, email, or messaging, therefore it won’t have the same impact. Be conscious about expressing these cues when you’re opportune to do so. 


You might use blogging, tweeting, or texting as a coping mechanism for life’s challenges. Or perhaps, you find it simpler to communicate with individuals online because you have problems connecting with others. 

You can handle the demands and strains of life without relying on your smartphone by developing skills in these areas. 

There’s a lot in the world you could be missing out on because you live through your screen.

Take a break and work to overcome smartphone addiction. You’d be better for it.

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