Managing Smartphone Addiction and Social Apps Efficiently.

Social media has become such an indellible part of our lives, both personally and professionally. We use various social apps to connect with friends, family, and colleagues, share our thoughts and ideas, and stay up to date with the latest news and trends. However, with so many social apps out there, it can be challenging to manage them all effectively,

Globally, internet users in 2018 logged on to social media for 144 minutes a day on average. But, studies show that using social media for no more than 30 minutes every day is best for mental wellness.

Social media addiction is characterized by an individual’s excessive usage of social media that has a negative impact on their lives. Additionally, according to recent figures, 210 million people—or almost 30% of social media users—suffer from social media addiction.

Let’s discuss some tips on how to manage your social apps efficiently.

Prioritize your social apps 

The first step in managing your social apps is to prioritize them. Determine which apps are most important to you and which ones you can do without. This will help you focus your time and energy on the apps that matter the most and avoid getting overwhelmed by too many apps.

Set new boundaries.

Social media can be addictive, and it’s easy to get lost in the endless scroll. To avoid spending too much time on social apps, set boundaries for yourself. For example, you can limit your social media usage to certain times of the day or restrict the amount of time you spend on each app.

Organize your social apps.

Keeping your social apps organized is essential for effective management. You can organize your apps by creating folders or groups based on their purpose. For example, you can create a folder for work-related apps and another for personal apps. This will help you find the app you need quickly and easily.

Use social media management tools.

Several social media management tools are available that can help you manage your social apps efficiently. These tools can help you schedule posts, monitor your accounts, and analyze your social media performance. Some popular social media management tools include the APPLATCH app, Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social.

Make breaks.

Taking breaks from social media can help you avoid burnout and improve your mental health. You can take a break by deleting apps temporarily or by turning off notifications. It’s essential to disconnect from social media from time to time to recharge and refocus.

Social media should not be used when you are depressed.

These feelings may worsen addiction. These feelings can be sparked by social media, but it can also exacerbate them. Try to distract yourself from your negative feelings by engaging in activities that will lift your spirits, such as talking to a friend, taking a stroll, or listening to music.

Recognize the factors that influence your desire to utilize social media.

The temptation to utilize social media might be brought on by a few specific things. For instance, procrastination, loneliness, or boredom. Knowing your triggers will help you be better equipped to prevent them.

Avoid using social media by doing something else instead.

Try to do something else when you feel the need to use social media. For instance, if you’re bored, read a book or go for a stroll rather than scrolling through social media.

Avoid comparing yourself to others.

One of the main causes of social media addiction is existential comparison. It’s simple to compare your life to other people’s when you see their social media posts about their lives. It’s crucial to keep in mind, though, that social media is not necessarily an exact reflection of reality. On social media, people only share the greatest moments of their lives, and they frequently edit or filter their images. Thus, avoid comparing your life to what you see online. It is unfair to compare the two.

Go on a social media fast: Whether it’s for a few hours or a whole week, challenge yourself to not check social media during that time. According to a 2019 study, some students who abstained from social media for five days had a “feeling of serenity,” while others were anxious about missing out.

Remove the apps, or turn off social media notifications.

Turning off notifications will place a little hurdle in the way of the majority of social media users who check their accounts mindlessly. You’re less likely to spend time on social media if you don’t always see an icon or alert on your phone.


Abstinence is not as vital as accountability.

Some people may find success with a digital detox, or completely avoiding social media for a period of time, while others may not. For other people, it might end a pattern that has begun to seem toxic or to have unfavorable results. “For others, quitting completely may result in wanting its use and make it difficult to maintain the break, or it may prevent someone from using the positive aspects of social media, such as a method to stay connected and seek support.


Managing your social apps is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship with social media. By prioritizing your apps, setting boundaries, organizing your apps, using management tools, and taking breaks, you can effectively manage your social apps and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

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